
Showing posts from 2012

Where is the Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props file on Windows XP?

The reason why you landed on this page is because you found out that the global Tools/Options/Projects and Solutions/VC++ Directories capability has disappeared from Visual Studio 2010 and you need to locate Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props file to add some directories to all of your projects. I found it here: C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0

GIMP 2.6 ghost lines appear with Wacom Bamboo Pen

When you try to draw with the pen it appears that GIMP miss reads the coordinates and creates horizontal and vertical ghost lines. This has been reported as a bug here. Thanks to Aapo Rantalainen there is a bugfixed version available at his PPA to get it, just follow the advice given at bug report page. Procedure: 1. Remove GIMP with Software Center 2. Open Terminal and type the following: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aapo-rantalainen/gimp26-noghostline sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gimp

Wacom Banboo Pen on Xubuntu 11.10

To get the Bamboo Pen to work on Xubuntu 11.10 all you have to do is to follow the advice given on this page: Make sure that you rebuild the kernel module every time you upgrade your kernel.

CentOS 6.0 minimal install networking vmware

The other day I've installed CentOS 6.0 i386 and found that I have no network connection. Quick google search told me that it has got turned off by default. So to enable it one needs to do the following. Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and add ONBOOT="yes" BOOTPROTO="dhcp" . Save then service network restart and network is up and running.

wc -l on windows

So you have a set of txt files that contain data and you would want to count the number of lines/records in those files. Naturally you would use wc -l, but then you realise that you are on windows. Here is one solution that can be used: for /f %g in ('dir /b *.txt') do type %g | find /v /c "ZZZZCCCC" Assuming that you knnow for sure that there is no line that would contain the string "ZZZZCCCC".

MIDI keyboard setup as synthesizer

I finally got my MIDI keyboard and tried to connect it to a laptop, I happen to have a GNX Guitar Workstation therefore I didn't need to purchase a midi to usb cable. See schematics: I wanted to refresh my rusty keyboard skills, so started to look for a free software stack that I can use to produce some sound using the simplest and most CPU/ Sound Chip friendly solution that works on Windows 7. First I needed a fairly low latency synthesizer the BASSMIDI Driver fits the bill very well, but it is a sound font based synth so I needed a decent sound font: Weeds GM3 is a good one. Setup: Download and install Installer bassmididrv2.02.exe Then download the Weeds GM3 sound font uncompress and configure the driver. You need to run the configuration tool As Administrator . Click Add Select the sound fount Click Open. That is all fine, but how will I connect this to the MIDI input. There are multiple solutions to this problem, one of them is to use the MidiRouter which is a